Oklahoma Senate Passes Bill for Longer School Years

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Oklahoma's state Senate has approved a bill that aims to extend the school year by adding one day for every additional $25 million appropriated for education. The bill, authored by Senator Adam Pugh, seeks to address the disparity in school year lengths between Oklahoma and other states. Currently, Oklahoma schools are required to be in session for 165 days, or 1,080 hours, annually.

Senator Pugh, who chairs the Senate Education Committee, emphasized that Oklahoma's school years are significantly shorter than those in other states and countries. He stated, "My intention with this bill is to catch Oklahoma up first to the national average, which we’re quite far behind."

Some lawmakers expressed concerns about the potential financial impact on schools. However, Pugh argued that many districts already exceed minimum salary requirements, suggesting that increased funding could cover other expenses.

The bill passed the Senate with a 37-8 vote and now moves to the House for consideration.

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