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Oklahoma is bracing for an extreme wildfire threat due to a combination of dry conditions, wind, and heat. According to Mark Goeller, the state forester for Oklahoma Forestry Services, the fire danger and behavior are expected to be severe, with fires potentially spreading at speeds of three to seven miles per hour.
Emergency resources are being staged throughout the state, with additional support coming from Arkansas. Crews are preparing for the worst-case scenario as almost the entire state is under severe fire risk. Oklahoma Forestry Services is closely monitoring fuel moisture levels and fire weather forecasts to ensure maximum preparedness.
The Oklahoma Forestry Service has positioned its firefighters in central and western Oklahoma, and out-of-state teams are staging in Weatherford. Goeller said the importance of homeowners taking precautions to protect their properties, such as clearing vegetation and moving flammable items away from structures.
Residents are urged to remain vigilant and follow safety guidelines to prevent fire ignitions. The state is also coordinating with federal partners to manage the situation effectively.