Oklahoma Voters Head To The Polls On Election Day

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Foto: Kameleon007 / iStock / Getty Images

It's finally election day. Unless you voted early or by mail-in absentee, you can head to the polls today to cast ballots for President, state and municipal offices and in some cases, local issues. Also on the ballot are two state questions and whether to retain three of Oklahoma's Supreme Court justices and other judges.

In Tulsa, voters are deciding the mayor's race. Karen Keith and Monroe Nichols face each other to decide who will be the city's next mayor.

While nationwide Presidential race results might not be known for several days, Oklahomans should know Sooner State voting results sometime tonight. That from State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax says that ballots from Oklahoma voters are counted before they leave their precincts.

"If you are voting in person, like whether its in the early voting period or on election day, the e-scan tabulator that counts the paper ballots, as soon as you insert your paper ballot, it counts it," said Ziriax.

In Oklahoma, mail-in absentee ballots are usually not counted before election day but there are exceptions.

Click HERE for to find your polling place/view a sample ballot.

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