Photo: Kameleon007 / iStock / Getty Images
Big crowds are being reported as Oklahoma voters head to the polls to vote early.
The Oklahoma State Election Board says 80,237 voters cast ballots statewide in the first day of early voting. Of those, more than 51,873 were registered Republican, 19,839 were Democrat, 8,150 were Independent, and 375 were 3 Libertarian.
The largest turnouts were in Cleveland, Oklahoma and Tulsa counties. Cleveland County reported 8,732 voters, while Oklahoma County reported 7,838 and Tulsa County reported 6,522.
Most early voting takes place at your county election board offices, but there are a few exceptions, and some counties have more than one location available.
Click HERE for a comprehensive list of sites.
Early voting continues from 8 until 6 today and Friday, and then from 8 until 2 on Saturday. On Tuesday, voting will run from 7 to 7 at normal precinct locations across the state.
Visit the Oklahoma State Election Board site for election day polling information.