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Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed legislation requiring school districts to inform teachers of their First Amendment rights and obtain reauthorization every year before deducting union dues from teachers’ paychecks.
“Four and a half years ago, in Janus v. AFSCME, the United States Supreme Court ruled that collecting public sector union dues from non-consenting public employees violates the First Amendment,” Dahm said. “Our state has done a poor job informing teachers of their First Amendment right not to join or pay dues to teachers unions, and this bill aims to fix that.”
SB 75 requires school districts to provide a written statement to teachers, informing them that they have a First Amendment right to refrain from joining, paying dues, or making political contributions to any professional employee organization and that they will not be discriminated against for refusing to join or financially support such an organization.
“This bill ensures that teachers are aware of their rights and that the teachers unions actually have the informed consent of their members,” Dahm said. “Teachers who don’t want to continue paying dues won’t have to proactively take steps to end dues deductions, they simply won’t sign the re-authorization form.”